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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), Lexington Kentucky

Platelet Rich Plasma | Lexington, KY | Kentucky Med Spa

What is PRP

PRP is a natural product created from your own body. A small amount of blood is drawn from you and placed in a sterile tube that is spun down in a centrifuge to separate the different components of the blood. Red and white blood cells are divided from the platelets and the plasma (the clear fluid). This plasma now contains a higher than normal number of platelets and is called platelet rich plasma, or PRP.

Why Platelets Rejuvenate Skin

Platelets are the cells in the blood that help tissue to heal and grow new cells. The PRP, injected into specific areas of the skin, act as a matrix that promotes your own collagen to grow, regenerates tissue, and thus acts as to naturally smooth and tighten the skin. In this way, PRP softens wrinkles and creating smoother skin texture and tone.


The History of PRP

PRP has a long history of being used in orthopedic medicine, dentistry,and reconstructive surgery, and now its benefits are being applied to other fields of medicine such as dermatology, skin wound healing, and cosmetic facial rejuvenation. Scientific studies dating back 30 years have documented that PRP grows new collagen when injected into the skin, and newer studies show that PRP can soften sun damage and aging skin issues.


How does PRP therapy differ from other injections or fillers

Hyaluronic acid fillers, such as Restylane and Juvederm , are composed of solid material that fills lines and skin folds. These fillers are indicated to soften deeper lines such as the folds around the mouth area, or to plump lips. They usually last from 6-18 months; repeated treatments are required to fill the area again.

PRP stimulates your own collagen to grow for total facial rejuvenation rather than individual wrinkle improvement. PRP is used for volumizing faces that are beginning to look drawn, to plump out cheek indentations, soften under eye hollows , improve the skin tone, tightness, and texture, and fill in areas where hyaluronic acid fillers cannot reach or are not safe to use.

Restylane and Juvederm can be used with PRP  as the two types of treatments are meant for different purposes; they supplement each other to give the best final outcome of a more youthful looking face. Restylane and Juvederm fill specific lines and folds; PRP improves overall volume, fullness, and skin tone. PRP acts to improve overall quality, tightness, and texture of the skin rather than filling individual deeper wrinkles.


What to expect during and after the PRP procedure

A small amount of blood will be drawn from you. While the PRP is being prepared, your skin will be cleansed and prepared for the treatment. The injections take a few moments, and are only mildly uncomfortable. The procedure is quick (15 minutes total), relatively painless, and requires no post procedure care or time off from daily events. Mild swelling, redness, or bruising fade within 1-3 days. The PRP is made from your own cells, virtually eliminating the possibility of negative side effects.



The goal of PRP skin rejuvenation therapy is to improve skin tone and texture, tighten skin, soften lines and pores. Results begin to show 3-4 weeks after the treatment session and continue to improve with time. Three treatment sessions are generally recommended, spaced 1-2 months apart, to achieve the best outcome.


PRP for Facial Procedure – Aesthetics

PRP combined therapy is actually more effective than a single modality therapy. This great Co-application represents many advantages with a simple, cost-effective, safe method and better effect.


Wrinkle Removal – When injecting PRP into a nasolabial fold or hollow cheek, the growth factors that are contained in PRP regenerate collagen, which improve wrinkles and enhances skin elasticity.


Freckles and Blemishes – Various growth factors contained in PRP such as EGF stimulate cell growth and cell replication, which results in the removal of deeply rooted freckles and blemishes.


Pimple – Vitalized growth factors not only facilitate the active state of sebum, which causes pimples, leading to the reduction of pimple development, but generate collagen and elastic elastin fibers, which help healing acne scars.


Scars – Growth factors that heal wounds increases skin regeneration.


Platelet Rich Plasma Microneedling and Injections for face

This automated adjustable micro needling instrument vertically penetrates the outer layer of skin with a vibrating motion. The technique’s pinpoint delivery system stimulates and revitalizes collagen production by driving highly effective medical serums or your own Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) deep into the skin , minus the downtime associated with other collagen-increasing protocols. There is no heating or laser energy needed.


PRP combined with laser therapy produces objective improvement of skin elasticity, a lower erythema index, and an increase in collagen density as well. This combination quantify the stimulation of new collagen synthesis and cell formation exactly where it is needed, right at the dermal layer PRP addition to fat grafts is a solution to boost stem cell survival, multiplication and differentiation to finally enhance the survival of grafted fat HA can provide rejuvenation for age-related changes to soft facial tissue, but not the underlying bone. On the other hand combination using platelet rich plasma can target all aspects of facial ageing Collagen is a great platelet activator which can higher average growth factor release. When this combination injected into the skin, act as a matrix that promotes PRP activation and collagen to grow, regenerates tissue.


PRP Injections significantly improves Collagen production

PRP injections are a non-invasive, natural alternative treatment in anti aging, revolutionary anti-wrinkle and skin rejuvenation using your own blood. PRP commonly referred to as “ True Blood Therapy” involves the use of blood plasma, enriched through a special process to increase the concentration of platelets. These platelets contain bioactive proteins and growth factors that serve to accelerate tissue repair and regeneration, and activate stem cells.

This PRP is injected back into your skin and acts as stimulants to your own damaged skin cells, supporting collagen production which is stimulated over 2-3weeks to naturally reduce or eliminate lines, folds and wrinkles, and skin starts repairing itself and produces more collagen. This revolutionary treatment in facial aesthetic and anti aging is a natural alternative to botox and fillers, giving a healthier, smoother, glowing and more youthful appearance’’.


Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) for Acne Scars

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is an exciting new method using your own blood to correct pitted acne scars on the skin. The method of injecting your own blood into the face is new and is showing exciting results for patients looking to correct acne scars and rejuvenate their skin.

We use a system to spin the blood and separate the Platelet-Rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM), which contains a plethora of beneficial growth factors that will help heal the skin and promote collagen and elastin regeneration. Blood is drawn from the patient’s arm and then put into the centrifuge, which removes white and red blood cells, leaving in only the PRFM. The centrifugation system converts your blood into “Liquid Gold,” a gel-like substance that contains only PRFM. Liquid Gold is called as such because it contains only pure platelets, which contains active growth factors. This platelet-rich blood is then injected into sites on the face with acne scars. The concentrated platelets release a host of beneficial growth factors that help to promote healing and stimulate regrowth of collagen and elastin. The platelets found in our blood do a host of beneficial things, such as stimulate the regrowth of collagen and elastin, the building blocks of young and healthy skin. When your own blood is injected back into your skin, the body naturally begins a healing process that helps rid of acne scars. We often recommend PRP as an add-on therapy to laser acne scar removal treatments, to deliver the best results possible to our acne scar patients.


Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Q & A


What is the latest trending product in the USA for revitalising the face?

The latest product on the market is the platelet-rich plasma injection. It is known by many names such as PRP facial rejuvenation, blood facelift, and Blood PRP Lift. The injection works by inserting enhanced plasma into the face which in turn causes the production of collagen and blood vessels through the stem cells. The result is a younger, clearer, and blemish free skin.


What is the PRP process?

PRP is performed by extracting about 20cc worth of blood from the patient. The blood is then spun in a centrifuge to separate the stem and other growth cells from it. Once they have been separated, the enriched plasma is injected into the areas of the face where the signs of aging have begun to show (i.e. wrinkles and creases around the eyes, forehead, and cheeks).


Can PRP be done alone or must it be combined with other procedures?

That depends entirely on the requirements of the patient. PRP can be done as an individual treatment under local anaesthesia. However, many times the work the patient needs is more than what PRP can handle. In such cases, PRP is performed in conjunction with one or more procedures such as an eyebrow lift, facelift, necklift, or laser resurfacing in order to get an all-rounded young look.


How long does it take to recover from PRP?

Generally, it takes about a week to recover completely from potential bruising and swelling. With that said, many people do recover quickly and can return back to their normal lives in about two to three days. However, the recovery time may be longer if PRP is performed in combination with another procedure such as laser resurfacing or fat transfer. In such cases, it would take about a week to look presentable enough to return to work.


How long does PRP’s effects last?

There is no anti-aging treatment available that is permanent. Each and every treatment requires maintenance and PRP is no different. It is estimated that PRP’s effects can last anywhere from nine months to two years. After that, the effects will begin to fade and a follow up treatment will be required.


Is PRP restricted for use in the face?

No, PRP actually has multiple uses. In fact, for a long time this procedure was used to restore lost cartilage in joints such as in the knees and shoulder sockets. Additionally, it has even been used to repair damaged muscle tissue.


Who are the best candidates for PRP?

PRP is perfect for anyone that has begun to show the signs of aging. Unlike facelifts which require incisions and long recovery process, PRP is especially popular among older patients as it is a minimally invasive procedure with a short recovery period. Nevertheless, patients need to be realistic about the results and realize the fact that PRP can only treat them to a certain extent.


How many treatments will I require?

That is something which differs from patient to patient. The estimated life span of a PRP treatment is from 9 months to 2 years depending on the person’s circumstances. So, the earliest you would require a follow-up treatment would be after nine months.


What parts of the face can PRP treat?

The entire face itself can actually benefit from PRP. For example, PRP works great in removing the wrinkles and frown lines on the forehead. On the cheeks, it can restore lost volume and make the cheeks for plump. Moreover, it can also help with filling sunken eye sockets.


Is it effective in treating wrinkles?

Yes, quite often it is used as an independent product to treat wrinkles. It can also be used in combination with surgical procedures to provide an even better result. Procedures such as facelift or necklift surgery can remove wrinkles, tighten the skin while PRP builds up collagen in the area.


What is the difference between the regular dermal fillers like Juvederm and Restylane and the Blood Platelet-Rich Plasma?

There are two main differences between them: 1) the time it takes for the effects to be seen and 2) the duration it lasts. Blood PRP Lifts are performed using a Selphyl PRP product which stimulates collagen growth and tissue regeneration. Therefore, the results take longer to see, but the effects last a long time. Conversely, Juvederm and Restylane use a hyaluronic acid filler to provide instant results. However, their effects do not last as long as PRP.


Is it safe to use a PRP injection?

PRP is a very safe procedure. It has little to no side effects and it is very uncommon for a person to have an allergic reaction to it. Also, since there are no incisions involved, there are no stitches or scars and it is quite unlikely for there to be complications.


What side effects does PRP have?

Like with all injectable fillers, PRP has the possibility of having mild swelling, bruising, itching, and irritation. A person may have one or all of these side effects. Nevertheless, keeping in mind that PRP procedures are still relatively new, there may be side effects which are long term that we are still unaware of.

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